Top Tips for Growing Your Best Vegetable Garden Ever

Gardening is a wonderful hobby and a great way to save money on groceries, but backyard gardens aren’t always very productive. Nurturing your plants requires a lot of hard work, and you want to reap the rewards of your labor! Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve… Continue reading

How to Grow Plenty of Food in a Small Backyard or Garden

Home gardens are becoming more than just a retreat from indoor life. Many people are choosing to grow their own fruit and vegetables from the comfort of their backyard. The benefits of growing organic crops for your own consumption are well established. Harvesting your own crop reduces your environmental impact,… Continue reading

Designing a Vertical Garden for Small Balconies

With the rapid growth in city living modern accommodation is focusing more and more on condominium towers and apartment blocks. These homes in the sky are space conscious and balconies are getting smaller but that does not mean that there will be no room for plants. To have greenery and… Continue reading

Rock Features for Backyard Ponds

garden rocks waterfall in a no grass backyard

Rocks and water. These two simple elements are integral to the design and feel of a water garden. In fact, they are so important that they are the focal point of many gardens. Whether garden rocks are part of a natural rock waterfall, a fountain, or simply decorative and structural… Continue reading

Top tips and tricks for pest proofing your decking

backyard deck chair

When the sun is shining, we all love to sit in our gardens — but the last thing we want is for them to be infected with pests. Your garden decking makes the perfect home for a number of potential pests; especially during the harsher weather conditions. In London, more… Continue reading

Friendly Tips for A More Accessible Garden Design

Gardening can be a therapeutic pastime, and one enjoyable even if have a disability or lack of mobility. But by keeping a few tips in mind, you can change even the most daunting garden into an accessible getaway. We’re going to offer several suggestions about how to adapt your garden… Continue reading