How Architectural Designs Promote Health and Happiness

Architectural designs can enhance health and happiness if executed correctly. This is very important as increased happiness could have many benefits, such as improved productivity, better learning and a higher quality of life. Many aspects of architecture can impact the level of health and happiness in a building, such as… Continue reading

When Less is More – Living in a Tiny House

living in a tiny house

Tiny homes are popping up across the U.S. as many people look to live with less, reduce their carbon footprint or of course save money. But living in a tiny house is not for everyone, it has its benefits and drawbacks. Less square footage, less stuff and less responsibility may… Continue reading

10 Striking Examples Of Modernism Architecture Designed By Master Architects

Chet Holifield Federal Building

The modernism architecture, or modern-era architecture was born in western Europe in the 1920s from the precedent breaking work of modernist architects like Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius and Mies van der Rohe in Germany and Le Corbusier in France. Modernist architecture breaks away from cookie-cutter design and traditional aesthetics; it… Continue reading