The Timeless Beauty of Contemporary Homes

Finding the right design for your home is very important. A home to people is a getaway from the everyday stresses that working and the outside environment brings you. Contemporary homes became popular in the 60’s and 70’and often follow a geometric pattern. The term “contemporary” is a changing term which means that in 20 years from now something else will be considered contemporary in reference to homes.

Contemporary homes

If you look at many contemporary homes, you’ll notice large plate glass with metal and concrete. However, people still love them and they are definitely some of the most beautiful architectural designs ever. I thought it might be a good idea to discuss modern homes so many of you get a better understanding of why people are still fascinated with them. It’s also important to mention that the term “contemporary” is a changing term which means that in 20 years from now something else will be considered contemporary in reference to homes.

Contemporary homes usually consist of these:

  • odd, irregular shape
  • lack of ornamentation
  • tall, over-sized windows, some with trapezoid shapes
  • open floor plan
  • natural materials such as cedar or stone
  • harmony with the surrounding landscape
  • some modern-day homes have flat roofs
  • other modern houses have gabled roofs with cathedral ceilings and exposed beams.

You’ll notice that every house is different because they represent the personally of people.

Contemporary homes designs- Industrial Exterior


A present-day home is a house built by modern standards with much of the design catering to people of today. This design takes into account modern engineering which has allowed the creative imagine to flow creating homes with huge windows, large open spaces and cathedral ceiling. Even though the contemporary style was first introduced starting in the 50’s, they gained popularity now with new technological advancements which have lowered the cost of development.

If you want a great example of a contemporary house then look at a picture of a cathedral with large spaces, glass windows and even marble. These are what typically modern homes look like and have always followed that kind of layout.

For free contemporary home plans have a look at:

Contemporary Exterior & Contemporary home plans


Many people ask: Why are these homes so special? The answer is very simple because they have an historical engagement to them. Since the design began to pickup during the 50’s and 60’s many of today’s contemporary home still do possess much of historical design elements. For example, they focus on a cathedral design with windows that are large and create an image. They have the high ceilings and can consist of some of the most expensive marble available (depending on your budget).

They are also special because there are only a handful of historical architectures that can develop custom trendy houses which both increase the price tag but popularity to buy as well. Since they tend to be large open spaces, they require much more land which is not available in growing cities. This has been a problem however those who have the pace are not hesitating to invest in developing historical present homes with the idea that they will receive a huge payout when they decide to sell.

Contemporary small homes – bigger is not always better.

Starting in the late 1980s the trend was exemplified by oversized houses, nicknamed “McMansions“, but new contemporary houses have been getting smaller as homebuyers have turned to more economical and more eco-friendly.

Falling water views from woods

Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater - falling water close

To give you a better understanding of modern homes let’s reference one of the greatest designers and homes ever built known as the falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright. He’s known as American’s most famous and built a house for the Kaufmann Family between 1936 and1939. Falling Water is now considered a historical landmark.

The house can be viewed here: The Falling Water

The reason this house became so famous is because it seems as though this house doesn’t stand on solid ground. Frank opted to give people an enlightened sense of imagination since the house stretches on 30’ of Water Fall. Discover what is meant by Fallingwater. It’s absolutely beautiful. Since contemporary homes are focused on the present much can change within a few years and then a new definition will bind the meaning of “contemporary”. Either way no matter what the definition what is clear is that much of the design still does reflect post-modern times.

mixed media art photography calligraphy, moonshine on the lake in black and white

When choosing artwork for any contemporary house, consider Mixed Media Art. Combining different materials and techniques can create a unique and modern piece that stands out in your contemporary space.


Image1: Contemporary Exterior by San Francisco Architects & Designers Mark Dziewulski Architect

Image4: Falling Water: amanderson2 / Foter / CC BY